As it is the new year, we have begun reflecting on our lives and realize that we love it here in Bulgaria. We have been able to make major changes in our lives that we have talked about for ages: we don't have a car, we cook more at home, and we don't have a t.v. These changes have little to do with Bulgaria as all of the things we left behind are here. We could get a car (our apartment has a garage as part of the property), we could eat out more (there are great restaurants here), and we could have t.v. (as we have two in the apartment and there are cable and satellite t.v. services in town for international programs). Maybe knowing we could get them makes it easier to not have them, I don't know for sure. All I know is that there is very little that we miss about living in America. Here is the list.
1. Bacon. Honest to goodness, cold smoked, salty bacon. We did not realize how proper American bacon is only found in America. Seriously the Bacon Board needs to get on this. The world needs them.
2. Ziploc Bags. Luckily we have a supply and we are caring for them to help the supply stretch to the next time we go home. They just don't have thick plastic bags that seal here. At least we can't find them.
3. Maple syrup (or even the "maple flavored" variety I prefer).
4. Friends and family.
Maybe friends and family should be up top before bacon, but we get to hear from them with Skype and the social medias and we don't get bacon. We don't get to hear from bacon or see it or smell it. There are no bacon sensory experiences at all. So I think it stays on top. The list in priority order is then: bacon, family and friends, ziploc bags, and maple "maple" syrup.
Love to you all (but especially American bacon) and I will be updating from all our travels before the semester (and the grading) comes.
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